Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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PAD Treatment

Tampa PAD Treatment Surgery

Dedicated focus on preventing stroke, heart attack, and limb loss, enhancing the quality of life for our patients.

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) treatment primarily revolves around managing the symptoms and halting the progression of the disease. PAD is a circulatory condition characterized by narrowed arteries reducing blood flow to the limbs, typically the legs. This ailment often results in pain and numbness, and in severe cases, can lead to dangerous infections or gangrene. Treatment for PAD entails a combination of lifestyle modifications, medication, and in more severe cases, angioplasty or surgery. The primary objective is to alleviate symptoms, improve mobility, and most importantly, prevent stroke, heart attack, and limb loss.

PAD is one of the leading causes of lower extremity amputations Every year, 75,000 individuals in the United States undergo leg amputations as a result of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). Dr. Zuzga & our vascular team help with treatment options. They include:
  • Minimally Invasive: Many treatments for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) are minimally invasive. These procedures generally involve making small incisions or punctures in the skin, through which catheters or wires are guided to the location of the disease under imaging guidance. Some common minimally invasive treatments for PAD include angioplasty, stent placement, and atherectomy.
  • Latest Technology: Our laboratory is equipped with the most advanced technology in the vascular industry, ensuring precise diagnosis and effective treatment of arterial disease. As a result of our expertise in the field, we are able to perform minimally invasive procedures that typically do not necessitate an overnight stay in the hospital

What Are The Different Types Of PAD Treatments?

Here at West Florida Vein & Vascular, our mission is to enhance vascular health and improve your quality of life with our top-tier PAD treatments that include Atherectomy, Angioplasty, and Stenting. With these minimally invasive surgeries, we are able to manage symptoms, halt the progression of the disease, and reduce the risk of complications. This includes improving mobility, decreasing pain, especially during activities, and preventing critical issues like heart attack, stroke, and limb amputation. While we offer a variety of treatments for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), it’s important to note that not every treatment may be suitable for each patient. Therefore, undergoing a Vascular Health Screening is crucial in helping to determine the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to the individual’s specific needs and condition. Let’s explore the top 3 PAD Treatments we offer.

Atherectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to remove plaque from blood vessels within the body. This buildup of plaque, known as atherosclerosis, can reduce blood flow through an artery, which can lead to variety of complications if left untreated. During an atherectomy, a small catheter is inserted into the blood vessel to reach the site of the blockage. The catheter is equipped with a cutting device that shaves or vaporizes the plaque, enabling the restoration of more normal blood flow. This procedure is often used in the treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and can be a beneficial option for patients who may not be suitable candidates for other forms of treatment.

Angioplasty is a medical procedure used to open up blocked or narrowed arteries, typically caused by a buildup of plaque. During this procedure, a small balloon is inserted into the artery through a thin tube (catheter). Once the balloon reaches the blocked area, it’s inflated to push the plaque against the artery wall, thus widening the artery and improving blood flow. Angioplasty can be performed in several different arteries in the body and is commonly used as a treatment method for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). This procedure may also include the placement of a stent, which is a small metal mesh tube that helps keep the artery open after the procedure.

Stenting is a medical procedure often used to open up blocked or narrowed arteries. During this procedure, a stent, which is a small, metal mesh tube, is permanently placed into an artery to restore blood flow. This is typically done following an angioplasty, where a balloon is inflated within the blocked artery to widen it. After the balloon is deflated and removed, the stent stays in place to keep the artery open, preventing it from narrowing again. Stenting helps to reduce symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain, or could be used in more serious situations like a heart attack. It’s also used to treat Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) and other vascular conditions.

What to Expect Before and After the Surgery

Is Atherectomy, Angioplasty, and Stenting Painful?

It’s important to note that having one or more of these risk factors does not guarantee that you will develop spider veins, but it does increase your chances.

Undergoing any medical procedure can understandably bring about a sense of apprehension. If you’re scheduled for an atherectomy, angioplasty, or stenting, you may be wondering whether these procedures are painful and what to expect before, during, and after the surgery. Here’s what you need to know in general:

These procedures are typically performed under local anesthesia, meaning you’ll be awake but the area being worked on will be numb. Some discomfort or pressure might be felt during the procedure, but severe pain is not common. If you do feel pain, it’s important to let Dr. Zuzga & his vascular team know immediately.

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Zuzga will conduct a thorough examination and discuss your medical history. You’ll receive instructions about eating, drinking, and medication usage before the surgery.
During an atherectomy, angioplasty, or stenting, a thin tube (catheter) is inserted into your artery. In an atherectomy, a device at the end of the catheter is used to cut or shave off the plaque. In angioplasty, a small balloon at the end of the catheter is inflated to open up the blocked artery. If stenting is required, a small metal mesh tube is placed in the artery to keep it open.
After the procedure, you will likely stay in bed for 6 to 24 hours. You may feel some soreness in the area where the catheter was inserted, and it’s normal to experience some bruising. You can typically resume light activities around the house after a few days, but strenuous activity should be avoided for a period of time determined by Dr. Zuzga.   In the days following the procedure, watch for signs of infection such as fever, chills, redness, swelling, or discharge at the wound site. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact our office immediately.

Contact Our Tampa Vascular Surgery Center Today

Seeking treatment for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) through procedures like atherectomy, angioplasty, or stenting can be a significant step towards reclaiming your quality of life. It’s about taking control of your health and choosing to live free from the debilitating symptoms of PAD. While the journey may seem daunting, remember that these procedures are designed to help improve your circulation, reduce pain, and enhance your overall wellbeing. With the right medical team by your side and a personalized treatment plan in place, you’re on the best path towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.  
With the right medical team by your side and a personalized treatment plan in place, you’re on the best path towards a healthier, more active lifestyle. Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O., is here to help you navigate this journey towards relief. With his extensive experience and compassionate approach, he is committed to providing effective treatments tailored to your unique needs. Don’t wait for the pain to dictate your life. Reach out to schedule a consultation with Dr. Zuzga today, and take the first step towards reclaiming your health and well-being.